The Elite Mindset - Lesson 4
Stop saying “someday” and just start doing it today. Whatever the goal is, it’ll likely take 10x more energy and time than you think. You’re not getting younger, time doesn’t wait for you to be ready. There are no perfect conditions, so the longer you wait the less likely you’ll be to act. Just start now!"
— Irvin John

Compliance & Attitudinal Assessment
Patience! You’re going to need a lot of it. It’s a life principle! Being patient goes beyond just “waiting”. Exercising patience is your ability to wait and have a good attitude while you do it. Your positive attitude will be an essential catalyst when things are not going the way you want them to.
We need to know ourselves in order to understand what approach to take so we can create a lifestyle change. “Know myself?” It’s a strange thing to say, considering you’ve been stuck with yourself since birth.
A lot of us are merely existing which leaves us unconscious of our habits and our mindset. When we are confronted with a reality check, we become defensive and lock ourselves behind the walls of denial. This does nothing to enhance our life!
For the following test, we are not running away from our reality! Now, we’re going to touch on the physical aspect of things. You will assess your attitude towards exercise.
Getting in shape goes beyond your physical capabilities. Ensure that you remain completely honest as you answer each of these questions. Place number 1, 2, 3 or 4 in the blank space to match your answer below. Take out a sheet of paper and keep your answers in a safe place!

1. What would you consider your present attitude toward exercise?
- I can’t stand the thought of it.
- I’ll do it because I know I should, but I don’t enjoy it.
- I don’t mind exercise, and I know it is beneficial.
- I am motivated
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about exercise, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about exercise and how those feelings might bring about positive change in life:
2. What would you consider your present attitude toward goal achievement?
- I feel that whatever happens, happens and I’ll roll with the punches.
- I set goals and believe it adds clarity and gives me some control over the outcome.
- I write down my goals and believe it is a very valuable exercise in determining my future performance and achievement.
- I have written goals and I review them often. I believe I have the power to achieve anything I desire and know that setting goals is a vital part of achievement.
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about goal achievement, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about goal achievement and how those feelings might bring about positive change in your life:
3. How important to you are the concepts of health and well-being?
- I don’t need to put any effort into bettering my health.
- I make certain I devote some time and effort into bettering my physical body.
- I am committed to maintaining and working to improve my health and physical well-being.
- My health and well-being are the foundation of all that I achieve, and they must remain my top priorities.
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about the concepts of health and well-being, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
4. How strong and driving is your desire for improvement?
- I’m really pretty satisfied with the way things are. Striving for improvement might leave me frustrated and disappointed.
- I’d like to improve but don’t know that it’s worth all the work involved.
- I love feeling as if I’ve bettered myself and am open to any suggestions for improvement.
- I’m driven to excel and am committed to striving for consistent and ongoing improvement.
Your answer: ____
How strong and driven would you like to feel about improvement?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about improvement and how those feelings might bring about positive change in your life:
5. How do you feel about yourself and your abilities (self-esteem)?
- I am not comfortable with the way I look, feel, or perform in most situations.
- I would love to change many things about myself although I am proud of who I am.
- I’m very good at the things I must do, take pride in many of my achievements, and am quite able to handle myself in most situations.
- I have great strength, ability, and pride.
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about yourself and your abilities, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about yourself and your abilities and how those feelings might bring about positive change in your life:
6. How do you feel about your present physical condition in terms of the way you look?
- I would like to complete change my body.
- There are many things about my reflection in the mirror that I’m not comfortable with
- For the most part I look OK, and I can look really good in the right clothing, but I do feel uncomfortable with a few things about my physical appearance.
- I am proud of my body and am comfortable in any manner of dress in appropriate situations.
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about the way you look, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about the way you look and how those feelings might bring about positive change in your life:
7. How do you feel about your present physical condition in terms of overall health?
- I wish I felt healthy.
- I feel healthy for my age compared to most people I meet.
- I maintain a high level of health.
- I am extremely healthy.
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about yourself and your abilities, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about present physical condition and how those feelings might bring about positive change in your life:
8. How do you feel about your physical condition in terms of your performance in any chosen physical fields of endeavor (sports, training, etc.)?
- I feel as if I’m in very poor condition and I am uncomfortable when faced with a physical challenge.
- I am not comfortable with my performance abilities; however I am comfortable training to improve.
- I feel pretty good about my ability to perform physically although I would like to improve.
- I have exceptional physical abilities and enjoy being called upon to display them.
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about your performance, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about your performance and how those feelings might bring about positive a change in your life:
9. How strongly do you believe that you can improve your body?
- I believe most of my physical shortcomings are genetic, and most efforts to change would be a waste of time.
- I’ve seen many people change their bodies for the better and am sure with enough effort I can see some improvement.
- I strongly believe the proper combination of exercise and nutrition can bring about some improvement.
- I know without question that with the proper combination of exercise and nutrition I can bring about dramatic changes in my body.
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about your ability to improve your body, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about your ability to improve your body and how those feelings might bring about positive change in your life:
10. When you begin a program or set a goal, how likely are you to follow through to its fruition?
- I’ve never been good at following things through to the end.
- With the right motivation and some evidence of results, I think I might stick to a program.
- I have the patience and ability to commit to a program and will give it a chance in order to assess value.
- Once I set a goal, there’s no stopping me.
Your answer: ____
How would you like to feel about following through on goals, if you could change your feelings?
Your answer: ____
Describe why and any specifics of how you would like to change your feelings about following through on goals and how those feelings might bring about positive change in your life:
Without a doubt, you are capable of reaching your goals! I like to believe, there is no such thing as an unrealistic goal, just an unrealistic deadline. Once you’re exerting the necessary effort in the right direction over an extended period of time, you will reach your goal.
The last thing you want to do is discount your health. It is undeniably your most important asset and while living long is nice, it’s only enjoyable if you’re healthy. The time is now! No more excuses! It’s yours for the taking, you just need to work for it!
Anything of abundance holds very little value. Excuses happen to fall into this category. There is no shortage of excuses, they are everywhere! The worst part about it is, I hear people create excuses towards a goal that benefits them!
If the end goal is going to create immense value for you, why fabricate illogical reasons as to why you’re not able to do it? There’s always a way. No ifs, ands, or buts about it and I won’t sugarcoat it for you. Everyone has their own struggles and the moment you decide to make no more excuses and stop searching for handouts, you will begin to see results. Once the problem is identified, give all your focus to the solution.