The Elite Mindset - Lesson 1
Everything we are is a result of our thoughts. Whatever we dwell upon is what we become. Choose wisely the thoughts that occupy your mind.”
— Irvin John

About Lesson 1
This lesson is arguably the most important. Your physical ability is minor compared to your mental capacity. You must train your mind FIRST. Only then will you become disciplined, motivated, and committed to improving yourself. By going through the series of mental exercises and self analyzation tests within this program, you are preparing yourself to fulfill your greatest potential!

Knowledge is power and applied knowledge becomes wisdom. The more you know, the more you grow. Throughout your journey you will inevitably discover that the more awareness you gain about your current situation and the more information you seek for your future goals, the easier it becomes to earn the results you seek. Fortunately, we provide you with step by step guidance as to how you can, not only, find a plan that is suitable for you, but we help you to create your own plans which will enable you to accomplish the goals you desire.

Mindset is literally everything! I think we take the simplicity and cliché nature of these quotes for granted. Take a moment and truly understand the contents of the following quotes. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” “Anything worth having does not come easy.” “You have to be willing to do what others won’t so you can live like others can’t.” It’s easy to stay in the race when you’re winning, but when hardships and obstacles arise and things seem to be going downhill; that’s when the “Don’t quit” mentality needs to be fully engaged. At this point, the wannabes will be weeded out from committed ones!
You cannot fix a problem you are unaware of. Should you be aware of your dilemma, congratulations; because you are one step closer to finding a solution. It is essential that you accept responsibility for your current situation. You must remain honest with yourself to the highest extent. Producing excuses to fuel your self-denial will only hinder your progress.
Do you have a reason for wanting to change your current state of being? A structure with an unyielding foundation will not falter at the sight of adversity. When a structure with a weak foundation encounters similar adversity, not only will it falter, but also dissipate under such tensions.
Your goal needs to be so clear that you can see it from a distance. No amount of unforeseen circumstances will hinder you from progressing on this journey. You will work towards developing the mental endurance to see your plan through to completion. No ifs, ands, or buts. Leave yourself with only one option, achieving your goals.
Let’s be realistic, as this is part of being honest with one’s self. You’ll question whether this is really worth your time and effort due to an objective seeming unattainable. You’ll need to ask yourself some questions with the fact in mind that “Anything worth having WILL NOT come easy.” That’s simply the reality of things. If you’re working to achieve a goal of great value, you can bet your last dollar that you’re going to run into some unexpected obstacles that will test your commitment. Some questions you must ask yourself in order to discover the problems at hand, which, in turn, will allow you to create a solution are:
Why is it important to be honest with myself? – Example: Being honest with myself not only helps me identify a problem, but identify a solution. Within being honest with myself, not only do I give myself an opportunity to understand how I confront my problems, I also give myself room to understand my goals.
What has contributed to my current state of health? – Examples: Not working out consistently, eating out on a daily basis, nurturing destructive habits with my current routines, etc.
How can I achieve a better state of health? – Examples: Finding a workout plan to follow, developing the habit of working out consistently, finding a personal trainer who can guide me towards my goals, creating a list of healthy foods to eat, reaching out to a friend who has similar goals and working together, etc.
What has been my biggest setback from reaching my goals? – Examples: Procrastination, not having a clear set of goals, bad habits, etc.
Why have you not done these things yet? – Examples: I’m not sure where to start, I haven’t taken the time to think about all these things, etc.
Is it possible to change any of the negative answers I listed? – Yes!

Knowledge is power and applied knowledge becomes wisdom. The more you know, the more you grow. Throughout your journey, you will inevitably discover that the more awareness you gain about your current situation and the more information you seek for your future goals, the easier it becomes to earn the results you seek. Fortunately, we provide you with step by step guidance as to how you can not only find a plan that is suitable for you, but we help you to create your own plans which will enable you to accomplish the goals you desire.
The Mindset – Mindset Conditioning
Mindset is literally everything! I think we take the simplicity and cliché nature of these quotes for granted. Take a moment and truly understand the contents of the following quotes. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” “Anything worth having does not come easy.” “You have to be willing to do what others won’t so you can live like others can’t.” It’s easy to stay in the race when you’re winning, but when hardships and obstacles arise and things seem to be going downhill; that’s when the “Don’t quit” mentality needs to be fully engaged. At this point, the wannabes will be weeded out from committed ones!
You cannot fix a problem you are unaware of. Should you be aware of your dilemma, congratulations; because you are one step closer to finding a solution. It is essential that you accept responsibility for your current situation. You must remain honest with yourself to the highest extent. Producing excuses to fuel your self-denial will only hinder your progress.
Do you have a reason for wanting to change your current state of being? A structure with an unyielding foundation will not falter at the sight of adversity. When a structure with a weak foundation encounters similar adversity, not only will it falter, but also dissipate under such tensions.
Your goal needs to be so clear that you can see it from a distance. No amount of unforeseen circumstances will hinder you from progressing on this journey. You will work towards developing the mental endurance to see your plan through to completion. No ifs, ands, or buts. Leave yourself with only one option, achieving your goals.
Let’s be realistic, as this is part of being honest with one’s self. You’ll question whether this is really worth your time and effort due to an objective seeming unattainable. You’ll need to ask yourself some questions with the fact in mind that “Anything worth having WILL NOT come easy.” That’s simply the reality of things. If you’re working to achieve a goal of great value, you can bet your last dollar that you’re going to run into some unexpected obstacles that will test your commitment. Some questions you must ask yourself in order to discover the problems at hand; which, in turn, will allow you to create a solution are:
Why is it important to be honest with myself? – Example: Being honest with myself not only helps me identify a problem but identify a solution. Within being honest with myself, not only do I give myself an opportunity to understand how I confront my problems, I also give myself room to understand my goals.
What has contributed to my current state of health? – Examples: Not working out consistently, eating out on a daily basis, nurturing destructive habits with my current routines, etc.
How can I achieve a better state of health? – Examples: Finding a workout plan to follow, developing the habit of working out consistently, finding a personal trainer who can guide me towards my goals, creating a list of healthy foods to eat, reaching out to a friend who has similar goals and working together, etc.
What has been my biggest setback from reaching my goals? – Examples: Procrastination, not having a clear set of goals, bad habits, etc.
Why have you not done these things yet? – Examples: I’m not sure where to start, I haven’t taken the time to think about all these things, etc.
Is it possible to change any of the negative answers I listed? – Yes!

Why is it important to be honest with myself? – Example: Being honest with myself not only helps me identify a problem but identify a solution. Within being honest with myself, not only do I give myself an opportunity to understand how I confront my problems, I also give myself room to understand my goals.
What has contributed to my current state of health? – Examples: Not working out consistently, eating out on a daily basis, nurturing destructive habits with my current routines, etc.
How can I achieve a better state of health? – Examples: Finding a workout plan to follow, developing the habit of working out consistently, finding a personal trainer who can guide me towards my goals, creating a list of healthy foods to eat, reaching out to a friend who has similar goals and working together, etc.
What has been my biggest setback from reaching my goals? – Examples: Procrastination, not having a clear set of goals, bad habits, etc.
Why have you not done these things yet? – Examples: I’m not sure where to start, I haven’t taken the time to think about all these things, etc.
Is it possible to change any of the negative answers I listed? – Yes!

The Mindset – Mindset Conditioning
Mindset is literally everything! I think we take the simplicity and cliché nature of these quotes for granted. Take a moment and truly understand the contents of the following quotes. “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” “Anything worth having does not come easy.” “You have to be willing to do what others won’t so you can live like others can’t.” It’s easy to stay in the race when you’re winning but when hardships and obstacles arise and things seem to be going downhill; that’s when the “Don’t quit” mentality needs to be fully engaged. At this point, the wannabes will be weeded out from committed ones!
You cannot fix a problem you are unaware of. Should you be aware of your dilemma, congratulations; because you are one step closer to finding a solution. It is essential that you accept responsibility for your current situation. You must remain honest with yourself to the highest extent. Producing excuses to fuel your self-denial will only hinder your progress.
Do you have a reason for wanting to change your current state of being? A structure with an unyielding foundation will not falter at the sight of adversity. When a structure with a weak foundation encounters similar adversity, not only will it falter, but also dissipate under such tensions.
Your goal needs to be so clear that you can see it from a distance. No amount of unforeseen circumstances will hinder you from progressing on this journey. You will work towards developing the mental endurance to see your plan through to completion. No ifs, ands, or buts. Leave yourself with only one option, achieving your goals.
Let’s be realistic, as this is part of being honest with one’s self. You’ll question whether this is really worth your time and effort due to an objective seeming unattainable. You’ll need to ask yourself some questions with the fact in mind that “Anything worth having WILL NOT come easy.” That’s simply the reality of things. If you’re working to achieve a goal of great value, you can bet your last dollar that you’re going to run into some unexpected obstacles that will test your commitment. Some questions you must ask yourself in order to discover the problems at hand; which, in turn, will allow you to create a solution are:
Why is it important to be honest with myself? – Example: Being honest with myself not only helps me identify a problem but identify a solution. Within being honest with myself not only do I give myself an opportunity to understand how I confront my problems, I also give myself room to understand my goals.
What has contributed to my current state of health? – Examples: Not working out consistently, eating out on a daily basis, nurturing destructive habits with my current routines, etc.
How can I achieve a better state of health? – Examples: Finding a workout plan to follow, developing the habit of working out consistently, finding a personal trainer who can guide me towards my goals, creating a list of healthy foods to eat, reaching out to a friend who has similar goals and working together, etc.
What has been my biggest setback from reaching my goals? – Examples: Procrastination, not having a clear set of goals, bad habits, etc.
Why have you not done these things yet? – Examples: I’m not sure where to start, I haven’t taken the time to think about all these things, etc.
Is it possible to change any of the negative answers I listed? – Yes!


Change simply cannot be fostered within your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is not designed for progress. The breeding ground for mediocrity is your comfort zone. Here’s a sign that you’re not making progress. YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE! It’s like mixing oil and water. The composite of change and comfort, will not bring forth valuable results. You need to be looking for ways which make you feel uneasy which allow you to progress.
Now don’t take this to mean that this whole process will be agonizing. Once the necessary steps are taken, the rewards you will receive from your hard work and consistency will so far surpass the temporary discomfort you experience that you will be more than willing to feel uncomfortable just to gain those benefits.
If you intend to make progress you will inevitably encounter new challenges. You can rest easy knowing what previously presented a challenge will now be an asset to further prepare you for new challenges. However, I can guarantee that any amount of effort you think you will need to put in now will need to be multiplied by 10! For example. If your goal is to achieve 100 pushups without rest. You will need to do 100 pushups 10 times over an extended time period to achieve 100 straight pushups. No this is not a scientific formula to achieve 100 straight pushups but focus on the principal. Always keep in mind that the effort you think it will take to achieve a goal will exceed your expectation.
Venturing into the unknown is almost always intimidating however after being in the unknown for some time it becomes familiar territory and you learn what you need to do to survive. You need to be willing to get uncomfortable momentarily if you want to learn and use these intimidating situations to your advantage in the future. Make your biggest problems your greatest strengths! If a few obstacles is all it takes for you to quit, chances are your ultimate goal was not clear and did not hold enough value. Chances are you’ve developed habits over time that have landed you in your current situation. It was the repetitive action of going through a specific cycle for so long that now it’s the norm.
Habits are not set in stone. Your conscious mind subtracts itself from the decision making process in order to reserve that energy for more critical thinking task which it may not be quite familiar with yet. You have to intentionally fight a habit unless you seek out new routines to replace the old one. This is working smart. Instead of leaving a void where that old habit used to exist, why not replace it with a new habit which will yield greater value? Everything we consider to be “normal” which requires no conscious effort is just a habit. Take a moment to think about the things that you do on a daily basis without having to make a conscious decision.
At the end of the day lasting results is what you’re looking to achieve not a temporary quick fix that will inevitably ware off. Developing as many habits which in turn will provide you the highest return is what you should focus on developing. Creating a LIFESTYLE change. Not a “oh it’s almost summer! I better start working out two weeks before it starts to get warm!” With that way of thinking you simply cannot and will not attain lasting results.
Change simply cannot be fostered within your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is not designed for progress. The breeding ground for mediocrity is your comfort zone. Here’s a sign that you’re not making progress. YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE! It’s like mixing oil and water. The composite of change and comfort, will not bring forth valuable results. You need to be looking for ways which make you feel uneasy which allow you to progress.
Now don’t take this to mean that this whole process will be agonizing. Once the necessary steps are taken, the rewards you will receive from your hard work and consistency will far surpass the temporary discomfort you experience which will lead you to be more than willing to feel a little uncomfortable just to gain those benefits.
If you intend to make progress, you will inevitably encounter new challenges. You can rest easy knowing what previously presented a challenge will now be an asset to further prepare you for new challenges. However, I can guarantee that any amount of effort you think you will need to put in now will need to be multiplied by 10! For example, if your goal is to achieve 100 pushups without rest, you will need to do 100 pushups 10 times over an extended time period to achieve 100 straight pushups. No, this is not a scientific formula to achieve 100 straight pushups but focus on the principle. Always keep in mind that the effort you think it will take to achieve a goal will exceed your expectation.
Venturing into the unknown is almost always intimidating. However, after being in the unknown for some time, it becomes familiar territory and you learn what you need to do to survive. You need to be willing to get uncomfortable momentarily if you want to learn and use these intimidating situations to your advantage in the future. Make your biggest problems your greatest strengths! If a few obstacles is all it takes for you to quit, chances are your ultimate goal was not clear and did not hold enough value. Chances are you’ve developed habits over time that have landed you in your current situation. It was the repetitive action of going through a specific cycle for so long that now it’s the norm.
Habits are not set in stone. Your conscious mind subtracts itself from the decision making process in order to reserve that energy for more critical thinking task which it may not be quite familiar with yet. You have to intentionally fight a habit unless you seek out new routines to replace the old one. This is working smart. Instead of leaving a void where that old habit used to exist, why not replace it with a new habit which will yield greater value? Everything we consider to be “normal” which requires no conscious effort is just a habit. Take a moment to think about the things that you do on a daily basis without having to make a conscious decision.
At the end of the day, lasting results is what you’re looking to achieve, not a temporary quick fix that will inevitably ware off. Developing as many habits which in turn will provide you the highest return is what you should focus on developing. Creating a LIFESTYLE change. Not a “oh it’s almost summer! I better start working out two weeks before it starts to get warm!” With that way of thinking you simply cannot and will not attain lasting results.